How to cook grilled fish

I learned to cook grilled fish like those who know 

Grilled fish is one of the delicacies we can do quickly in our grill. The coal adds a smoked fish that enhances its flavor, and the hot irons of the grill seal the piece leaving the natural juices inside. But a problem we have when taking a grilled fish is that it sticks in the iron.
With the fish we have the advantage of quick cooking and in less than an hour we have a tasty dish to take to the table. To start we make a good fire, the basis of every good Argentine grill.

Grilled fish

We recommend a couple of fish for you to grill, not so difficult to get but that with a little search you can look like a great chef: Chilean sea bass (black hake), Spanish Mackerel (Spanish mackerel), sardines, Artic Char (Atlantic trout), rainbow trout. The latter is the one we choose, just with salt and lemon, this fish is a relative of the salmon, it opens in half and turns and turns just a few minutes.

Fish Recipes

Grilled Corvina recipe
Fish is a source of protein and an ideal and simple dish for grilling


  • 1.3 Kg Corvina
  • 200 gr butter
  • 5 units lemon
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp pepper
  • 1 tbsp laurel ground
  • 1 tbsp oregano

Step by step elaboration

  1. Open the croaker on the loin (not the belly). Clean it and wash it.
  2. Put it on the grill, with soft fire, on the side of the scales.
  3. Apart melt butter and add the juice of 5 lemons, chopped garlic and seasoning. With this sauce, brush the sea bass while cooking.
  4. This time we will not turn the fish, as soon as the skin separates and meat will be ready.

Grilled dorado

The dorado is a large fish that is found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Paraná, Paraguay and Uruguay rivers, the object of sport fishing in Argentina.
It is excellent for eating roasted with tomatoes and peppers. It is often used in the preparation of fish or fried soups. It has a white flaky meat with a noticeably high fat content, which gives it a particular flavor.
One way to make grilled dorado is to place it clean, belly down a few minutes over high heat and turn it over (in a sea bream or grill for roasting fish), cooking on the side of the scales approximately 35 minutes. Marinate at ease.


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